Sunday, March 13, 2016

Pay attention between iNotes and Firefox45

Firefox 45 and iNotes aren't working correctly together because firefox has introduced new restricting policy about Jar execution that prevent the New memo button .

At this time IBM have provided thi  SPR#JALAA7VSRE  APAR LO88282 about this issue without workaround .
This issue isn't affecting any other browser or later FF version so you can downgrade to FF44 or better , start using the ESR branch 38.7.

Update: ibm has published this technote with a workaround

1 comment:

  1. Update: Since IBM iNotes is broken due to this change, the jar protocol support will be temporarily restored with Firefox 45.0.1. On Firefox Nightly and Developer Edition, the network.jar.block-remote-files preference will remain true.
