Monday, December 20, 2021

HCL DX : how handle db-transfer issue in Kubernetes Environments

We are living the hard days before the end of year holidays. 

Between 2 HCL Connections go-live, log4j issue and some more crazy things I'm also working on my first HCL Digital experience ( Formerly Known As WebSphere Portal )  9.5 CF199 deployment for a customer in Kubernetes.

The deployment part was super smooth and in some minutes we were up and running, after the Kubernetes setup and the helm deployment.. and now? 

Nothing relevant reading the official documentation so, I was starting with cwprofile to transfer databases and security to db2 and the customer LDAP and here starts the pain.

Following the default deployment in a Kubernetes environment the portal, cwprofile and the WebSphere console are deployed as default behind an ambassador service used for ingress on port 80 and 443 but, after I have started the db-transfer migration and reached the restart step , the wizard became unresponsive and the process failed.

After some research and the community help  I finally found this technote with the solution:  if you like to have your cwprofile able to survive while the portal was restarted, you need to modify the default value about the liviness Probe as below:

# Liveness probe using the application shell based probe
# Command here is ignored and replaced with calculated value
- ""
failureThreshold: 120
initialDelaySeconds: 0
periodSeconds: 60
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 10
# Readiness probe using the application shell based probe
# Command here is ignored and replaced with calculated value
- ""
failureThreshold: 120
initialDelaySeconds: 0

periodSeconds: 60
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 10

Nothing hard but , as holidays gift I wish HCL will be able to write this technote , as standard procedure  inside the official documentation or at least to link the technote there, in the appropriate section.

I wrote this blogpost to try to help the next admin , on the first ride, with HCL DX and Kubernetes.

This will be probably my last blogpost for the 2021, so happy holidays and see you in 2022 !! 

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