Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to have 2 Sametime System Console on a virtual machine

Sametime 9 run on WAS 8.5 and direct upgrade from 8.5 is not allowed.
In case of upgrade we need to install a new environment and migrate config from older following this technote .

For some reasons (migrations, POC/TEST or whatever) could be usefull to have two Sametime System Console (8.5 and 9) installed on a single server at same time.
If you try to install the second console will fail during creation of console was profile because it will try to connect on DMGR only on default port so it try on the wrong one.

On IBM installation manager GUI we are not able to customize this parameter so we have to make a silent install.

Insite Sametime package we have some foldes :

inside that we have some respose file pre filled with default data

inside Isc.rsp we have to search and modify the Port of DMGR locatet at follow lines

<!--Port the Deployment Manager will run on. This should not be changed from the default of 8700 -->
<data key='user.com.ibm.lotus.sametime.systemconsoleserver.was.dmport' value='8700'/>
<!--Port the Deployment Manager will use for SOAP connections (the default is 8703) -->
<data key='user.com.ibm.lotus.sametime.systemconsoleserver.was.dm.soapport' value='8703'/>
After we have insert the correct port value we have to run the setup from command line

./IBMIM --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input /tmp/swinst/SametimeSystemConsole/responseFiles/ISCT.rsp -log /tmp/sw-inst/ssc.log -acceptLicense

Your new SSC will be installed on diffent port than default (eg 9444) , but on next Sametime server you could be provide the correct value also from IM GUI (check the AboutThisProfile.txt to have the correct SSC  port for your environment)

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